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In view of the situation, the European Union has launched a second call for projects with two themes as objectives: IT and the arts.
The Belgian coordinator of the project was interested in the topic concerning IT. He developed ideas and then looked for partners. Seven partners were found with the schools of Pazardzhik (Bulgaria), Canakkale-Biga (Turkey), Bitola (North Macedonia), Zagreb (Croatia), Velika Polana (Slovenia), Bonavista (Spain), Tallinn (Estonia). A partnership of eight for the application to the Belgian National Erasmus Agency. The main objective of this project is to improve the knowledge and practices of teachers and students in the most used programs: Word, Excel, Power Point, the use of Photoshop, the creation of a video and finally robotics. As teachers are better trained, it will be up to them to pass this knowledge on to their students. The application was submitted to the Belgian National Agency in October 2020.
Then came four months of waiting. On February 25, 2021, the result fell: 9 projects had been approved by the Agency, including our own. On March 1, 2021, the European adventure could begin for a period of two years. Technobel, a Belgian association for computer training having agreed to help us in our project, it is in the form of web training that we will receive training for teachers from March until October. In November, if the health situation allows it, an L.T.T.A. will be held for a week in Belgium to learn about robotics. From December, our students will be part of the project circuit until the end of February 2023.

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